Tuesday 8 January 2013

Roto-vegas day 2

This is not very user friendly can't figure out how to add caption.
First photo Strong headwind - pleased we're in a car not cycling.
Second photo Lunch down by Lake Taupo
Third photo My quarters for the next 5 days

Anyway packed up and packed away about 9 after the tent had dried and headed off to Rotorua nice trip with a couple stops.

Arrived in the late afternoon
to register and set up. I'm in a nice room with windows to the lake with 6 of us in the room.
Tisha  CAMP
Angela  CAMP
Doreen  White Rose
Jenny HOTS

Morris Tour Viva-Roto-Vegas

January 1st Tuesday
Packed til New Year arrived last night, then headed to bed. This took a while because I couldn't find my pyjama pants. I knew I'd sorted out the clean washing and put the set I was taking in my box and the other set I'd wear that night , I thought in my bedroom. Well I could find the top but no bottom, Back to the lounge to check my travelling box - no... Put them way with the other washing...no. Back in the laundry with the ironing( it can stay there til we come back.) Still no.. bugger this.. go and get another pyjama bottom head for the bathroom... as I when in I looked down and started to laugh.. you guessed I already had them on. I remembered then, when trying on my spare Morris pants I'd put them on then after. Well it was after 12. I hope the rest of this new year is not going to follow this pattern.

Woke early as wasn't sure when we'd be leaving and I still had lunch to make and the ham to pack up.  Nothing from Lis, So about 9 tried ringing, Still nothing.. sent a text and waited. Eventually got a reply, we're not likely to be going til late afternoon.

Oh well had every thing ready.

Whiled the time away until they finally came about 8:45pm.. locked up and we were away. we headed to Hunterville's little stop over area and with the last of the suns rays set up an over night camp. Draw back was the lack of a loo and few bushes. I think a jog to the BP station in the morning.. I wanted to buy some more peppermints and the coffee is good. Oops I have the wrong town. It's going to be a long wait till 8 tomorrow morning.

Had  tea and I'm reclining  in my chair bed, great for doing this and I'm short enough that I can put my head back and rest it on the back. Big question is is the weight worth the luxury of taking it on the bike to England..???

Friday 9 November 2012

Oo look I found the right button to push to make another non sensible rambling. Lovely day if you ignore the wind. I should have gone for a bike ride might yet. Woke with another migraine - getting fed up with this every weekend, just saps all your motivation away or is it that my favourite journal site is down at the moment and I can't get my adventure story fix. Need to get out myself. OK had my self writing or what ever so it's either housework - hmm the dust is holding political meetings again - put the washing out? will it's windy enough - or go for a bike ride :) school work? - fleeting thought.  Bike ride. cheers.

Thursday 1 November 2012

First Post

I am just trying out something my son is encouraging me to use.

How about some pictures too.